
Front Door Info Session (English) via WebEx

The Front Door Information Session will outline the process of how you can become eligible for supports and services, the types of supports and services available, and where you can go to get assistance.  All sessions are presently offered remotely … Continued


SIBSHOP WNY – Saturday, April 22, 2023

Richard E. Winter Student Center 98 Hughes Ave., Buffalo, NY

When a child is diagnosed with a developmental disorder or serious chronic physical disorder, the entire family is affected. WHAT ARE SIBSHOPS? Sibshops provide support and guidance to siblings of children with special needs. Siblings are encouraged to share the … Continued


Education Records Organizer via Zoom

Please join Barb Hoffman, Regional Coordinator, Parent to Parent of NYS as she presents this wonderful webinar. This workshop is where parents, guardians and advocates of children who receive 504, CPSE and CSE special education services take their educational records … Continued


Region 1 Self-Direction Information Session via WebEx/online

All Region 1 Self-Direction Information sessions are WebEx/online format and attendance is taken using the person’s email address.  This WebEx (if attended in its entirety) satisfies the requirement for attending a Self-Direction information session. Attendance is taken using the email … Continued



ATTEND A FRONT DOOR INFORMATION SESSION TO LEARN ABOUT SUPPORTS AND SERVICES The OPWDD Front Door Information Sessions outline the process of how you can become eligible for supports and services, the types of supports and services available and where … Continued


Aquatic Therapy Programming for Individuals with Autism – webinar

Learn about aquatic therapy programming for autistic individuals aimed at removing barriers to involvement and expanding recreation repertoire to build memories and experiences together in a community-based setting. Jennifer Knott, CTRS, works to assist individuals with special needs in a community-based … Continued
