
Region 1 Self-Direction Information Sessions via WebEx/online

All Region 1 Self-Direction Information sessions are WebEx/online format and attendance is taken using the person’s email address.  This WebEx (if attended in its entirety) satisfies the requirement for attending a Self-Direction information session. Attendance is taken using the email … Continued


Understanding Your Child’s FBA/BIP Process via Zoom

Does your child need a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)? Gain an understanding of the regulations, the process, and the roles of the families and the school.  *Certificate of completion available upon request* CTLE credits available. … Continued


Family Guide To Transition Planning via Zoom

Family Guide to Transition Planning To assist families in understanding the transition planning process specifically from high school to life after high school. When families are knowledgeable about the transition process students with disabilities experience improved post-school outcomes in the areas of employment, postsecondary … Continued


What Happens After Early Intervention? via Zoom

What Happens After Early Intervention? In this workshop you will learn more about: How to get ready for your child’s transition to preschool The transition from Early Intervention (EI) to working with the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) Information … Continued


Gestational Influences and Autism – 2023 -webinar

Learn updates about emerging research on gestational influences on the etiology of autism. THE SPEAKER Judy Van de Water, PhD, joined the faculty in the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of California, Davis in 1999. In 2000, she … Continued
