
Self Directed Budgets… What Do We Do With Those?! via Zoom

Have you been wondering about Self-Directed Services? Come learn the basics of self-directed services that are an option for families with OPWDD. This will include a discussion about what types of supports and services can be included in a self-direction … Continued


Abuse prevention for people with disabilities.

Parent to Parent of NYS is offering a special presentation: Individuals with disabilities experience violence and abuse at an alarmingly high rate. The NYS Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence (OPDV) and NYS Council on Developmental Disabilities (CDD) invite … Continued


Charla Con Nosotros Grupo De Apoyo via Zoom

¿Eres padre de un niño/a que tieneuna discapacidad o sospechas quetengan una discapacidad? DISCUCIONES YPERSPECTIVAS OBTEN APOYO Consigue información práctica,constructiva, y útil. CONECTA CON OTROS Consigue información práctica,constructiva, y útil. Aprende mas sobre como manejar con susproblemas a través de experienciascompartidas. … Continued


Special Education 101: A Parent Member

Learn about the Special Education Process and the Individualized Education Program! Gain understanding about procedures, NYS regulations, and strategies to promote a parent’s understanding and participation in an Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting. This course is required to receive a Parent Member Certificate to support … Continued


Education Records Organizer via Zoom

This workshop is where parents, guardians and advocates of children who receive 504, CPSE and CSE special education services take their educational records and organize them into a record-keeping binder. This workshop will assist in being more organized in planning … Continued


Motor Skills and Executive Function in Autism – webinar

Learn about emerging research on the relationship between the development of motor skills and executive function in autistic children. The Speakers Megan MacDonald, PhD is a professor of kinesiology, the early childhood research core director at the Hallie E. Ford … Continued
