
White Matter Development and Language in Autism – webinar

Learn about emerging research on white matter development and language abilities during infancy in autism. The speaker: Tyler McFayden, PhD, is a NICHD T32 Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Prior to her T32 position, she received … Continued


Self Directed Budgets… What Do We Do With Those?! via Zoom

Have you been wondering about Self-Directed Services? Come learn the basics of self-directed services that are an option for families with OPWDD. This will include a discussion about what types of supports and services can be included in a self-direction … Continued


Abuse prevention for people with disabilities.

Parent to Parent of NYS is offering a special presentation: Individuals with disabilities experience violence and abuse at an alarmingly high rate. The NYS Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence (OPDV) and NYS Council on Developmental Disabilities (CDD) invite … Continued


Traveling with Your Special Needs Child/Adult

Come join Parent to Parent NYS for this NEW Presentation on Traveling with Your Special Needs Child/Adult. Have you dreamed of going on a vacation with your child or adult with special needs? Does your child express a desire to … Continued


Charla Con Nosotros Grupo De Apoyo via Zoom

¿Eres padre de un niño/a que tieneuna discapacidad o sospechas quetengan una discapacidad? DISCUCIONES YPERSPECTIVAS OBTEN APOYO Consigue información práctica,constructiva, y útil. CONECTA CON OTROS Consigue información práctica,constructiva, y útil. Aprende mas sobre como manejar con susproblemas a través de experienciascompartidas. … Continued
