
Webinar: What You Need to Know About Assistive Technology in the IEP

Please join Tina Beauparlant, Regional Manager /Education Specialist as she presents What You Need to Know About Assistive Technology in the IEP. This training will teach parents, grandparents, guardians about appropriate Assistive Technology (AT) devices and services how they allow … Continued


Webinar: NYS Autism Insurance Reform

Parent to Parent of NYS presents the webinar: NYS Autism Insurance Reform presented by Lin Perry, Project Director for Family to Family Healthcare Information Center. Autism Insurance Reform legislation became effective in 2013, however aspects of the bill, related to … Continued


Region 1 Self-Direction Information Session via WebEx

"Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, hobbies and favorite activities.  Having a choice is what Self-Direction is all about.  You will get to pick your own activities, staff and schedule when you self-direct. "Self-Direction may be right for you … Continued


Transition for Families – Virtual Meeting Via Zoom

Is your teenager in high school getting ready to transition to adulthood? During this training, parents will learn about assessing their teen’s strengths, interest and needs, how to establish measurable goals for the future and identify appropriate transition services and … Continued


Webinar: Health Care Notebook Overview

Please join Lin Perry, Project Director, Family to Family Healthcare Information Center for Parent to Parent of NYS, as she presents the webinar Health Care Notebook overview. Participants will learn how a Health Care Notebook can assist in organizing medical … Continued
