
Front Door Information Session via WebEx (Spanish)

ATTEND A FRONT DOOR INFORMATION SESSION TO LEARN ABOUT SUPPORTS AND SERVICES The OPWDD Front Door Information Sessions outline the process of how you can become eligible for supports and services, the types of supports and services available and where … Continued


Webinar: A Beginners Guide to the Special Education Process

Please join Trish Washburn, Education Advocate, Parent to Parent of NYS as she presents this workshop. This workshop will describe the purpose of special education, introduction to special education process, and services available to children ages birth to 21. This … Continued


Webinar: What is Section 504?

Please join Trish Washburn, Education Advocate, for Parent to Parent of NYS, as she presents a webinar on What is Section 504? This training will introduce you to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This training is designed … Continued


What Happens After Early Intervention? via Zoom

In this workshop you will learn more about: How to get ready for your child’s transition to preschool The transition from Early Intervention (EI) to working with the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) Information on timelines and commonly used … Continued


Front Door Information Session via WebEx

ATTEND A FRONT DOOR INFORMATION SESSION TO LEARN ABOUT SUPPORTS AND SERVICES The OPWDD Front Door Information Sessions outline the process of how you can become eligible for supports and services, the types of supports and services available and where … Continued


WEBINAR: Benefits and Entitlements for People with Disabilities

Please join Lin Perry, Project Director, Family to Family Healthcare Information Center, as she presents a webinar on Benefits and Entitlements for People with Disabilities. Join Lin Perry as she unravels the web of public benefits and Medicaid waivers available … Continued


Front Door Information Session via WebEx

ATTEND A FRONT DOOR INFORMATION SESSION TO LEARN ABOUT SUPPORTS AND SERVICES The OPWDD Front Door Information Sessions outline the process of how you can become eligible for supports and services, the types of supports and services available and where … Continued


Region 1 Self-Direction Information Session via WebEx

Region 1 Self-Direction Information Session Registration is required. (All sessions are WebEx/online format and attendance is taken using the person’s email address) Attendance is taken using the email address logging in for the session. If you have any additional questions … Continued


Webinar: Executive Functioning – Strategies at Home

Learn practical strategies and activities to use at home to strengthen and support executive functioning skills. About the Speaker Amy Moore Gaffney, M.A., CCC-SLP is an educational consultant with the Indiana Resource Center for Autism (IRCA) at the Indiana Institute on … Continued
