
Region 1 Self-Direction Information Session via WebEx

"Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, hobbies and favorite activities.  Having a choice is what Self-Direction is all about.  You will get to pick your own activities, staff and schedule when you self-direct. "Self-Direction may be right for you … Continued


Region 1 Self-Direction Information Session via WebEx

"Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, hobbies and favorite activities.  Having a choice is what Self-Direction is all about.  You will get to pick your own activities, staff and schedule when you self-direct. "Self-Direction may be right for you … Continued


OPWDD Front Door Information Session via WebEx

ATTEND A FRONT DOOR INFORMATION SESSION TO LEARN ABOUT SUPPORTS AND SERVICES The OPWDD Front Door Information Sessions outline the process of how you can become eligible for supports and services, the types of supports and services available and where … Continued

Webinar: Effective Advocacy Skills

Please join Trish Washburn, Education Advocate, Parent to Parent of NYS, as she presents a webinar on Effective Advocacy Skills. Not everyone starts out by being a good advocate. Many parents, guardians and grandparents have faced challenges in getting their … Continued


Front Door Information Session via WebEx

ATTEND A FRONT DOOR INFORMATION SESSION TO LEARN ABOUT SUPPORTS AND SERVICES The OPWDD Front Door Information Sessions outline the process of how you can become eligible for supports and services, the types of supports and services available and where … Continued


Webinar- Education Records Organizer

Please join Trish Washburn, Parent Advocate for this wonderful presentation. This workshop is where parents, guardians and advocates of children who receive 504, CPSE and CSE special education services take their educational records and organize them into a record-keeping binder. … Continued

Webinar: How to Prepare for a Successful CSE Meeting

Please join Tina Beauparlant, Regional Manager/ Education Specialist, Parent to Parent of NYS, as she presents this wonderful presentation. This training is to help parents, who approach IEP meetings with fear and dread. If this sounds like you, attended this … Continued
