
Webinar: Living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)

Please join Dianne O'Connor, Regional Coordinator for Parent to Parent of NYS as she presents the webinar Living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). Children prenatally exposed to alcohol become adults with FASD. Understanding that the permanent brain damage caused … Continued


Webinar: Education Records Organizer

Please join Dodie Daniels, Regional Coordinator for Parent to Parent of NYS, as she presents the webinar Education Records Organizer. This workshop is where parents, guardians and advocates of children who receive 504 and special education services take their educational … Continued


Region 1 Self-Direction Information Session via WebEx

"Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, hobbies and favorite activities.  Having a choice is what Self-Direction is all about.  You will get to pick your own activities, staff and schedule when you self-direct. "Self-Direction may be right for you … Continued


REAL Transition Partners “Role of the VR Counselor”

The Role of the VR Counselor Vocational Rehabilitation(VR) is a program that helps people with disabilities find and keep a job. Often, families, young adults with disabilities, and professionals are unsure exactly how to utilize the VR program and how … Continued


Graduation Options for Students with Disabilities

What does it mean to get a Regent’s diploma?  A local diploma?  Via safety net?  A CDOS or Skills Credential? What can you do?  What can you not do?  How much effort does it take?  Can your child do the … Continued


PANS and Autism – 2021 Updates – Webinar

Tune in to hear Jennifer Frankovich, MD, discuss the co-occurrence of systemic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases including the overlap between pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome (PANS) and autism. About the Speaker Jennifer Frankovich, MD, is an Associate Clinical Professor in the … Continued
