
What Happens After Early Intervention? via Zoom

What Happens After Early Intervention? In this workshop you will learn more about: How to get ready for your child’s transition to preschool The transition from Early Intervention (EI) to working with the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) Information … Continued


What Does Advocacy Mean in Special Education – webinar

Please join Namita Modasra for this training on What Does Advocacy Mean in Special Education. Not everyone starts out by being a good advocate. Many parents, guardians and grandparents have faced challenges in getting their child’s education needs met. Parents, … Continued


Nurtured Heart Approach – Four Week Parenting Series via Zoom

Are you frustrated by behavior challenges that put your child in control of your home? Have your discipline methods stopped working? Do you want your children to have good morals, be compassionate, and be self-confident? The Nurtured Heart Approach (NHA) … Continued


Parental Rights During a CPS Investigation via Zoom

During an investigation, Child Protective Services’ goals are to determine if a child has been abused or neglected and to protect the child from immediate danger. Parents aren't often aware that they have legally protected rights during a CPS investigation, … Continued
